Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Rajiv Rajan -- National Role Model

Pls check the article His PIL for social ills in the hindu

In case u dont have think time to check out the article , few excerpts..

Rajiv Rajan prefers to be called disabled. Not differently abled. “In what way am I different from you?

“I am not different from you,” he says, quoting Nelson Mandela. “I am different like you.”

I cannot enter this van because of its steps. The steps disable me, I have no disability.

“The disabled are not medically ill.”

Think about it..I saw his interview in Vijay TV today & I can assure he truly deserved the award..Incidentally we are both Capricorns , a difference of 24 hrs (I agree that piece of info is totally useless :))...Kudos to Rajiv Rajan..

Sriram S